Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Comparative Politics and the Peoples Republic of China

Comparative politics is an important aspect of political science in that instead of studying how this country functions, it studies why other countries around the world are the way they are. There must be some medium for finding the differences and similarities between one county and another. Another very important reason to study comparative politics is to better understand how certain regimes work. While studying comparative politics there is one regime that stands out to me. The rise of China as one of today’s economic powers is fascinating. When studying China’s political system on the form of comparative politics its best to look pass general questions. One has to study China’s whole system to truly understand its impact on all other nations. China has currently moved ahead of the United States in so many ways. Let’s consider the fact that not even 30 years ago china was considered impoverished country, but today it’s a global power. Sc holars in the pass assumed that poor country were doomed but the rapid rise of China and other nations invalidated such theories. What role would the following factors economic structure, political structure and social structure play in the democratization taking place in China? Through much of China’s history there has been a strong and steady political power. China’s political structure is designed in the form of a non-democratic communist regime. â€Å"Communist ideology holds that under capitalist economic systems the wealthyShow MoreRelatedThe Revolution : A Public Seizure Of The State Essay1616 Words   |  7 Pagesthat revolutions tend to happen after people are unhappy with the way things are handled within an institution. To be more specific, it s important to acknowledge that the definition according to Patrick H. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Strategic Development of Management Accountant’s Role Free Essays

Strategic Development on Management Accountant’s Role: The Impact on Costing and Budgeting Introduction The company’s existent state of affairs has alerted the demand for alteration and invention in the direction technics employed. Therefore, to assist inform future strategic determinations, a procedure of research and development has been initiated in order to reexamine current patterns and assess new techniques. This study addresses how the direction accounting ( MA ) function has changed within strategic determination doing context every bit good as how the usage of modern-day attacks to bing and budgeting can practically impact companies public presentation taking into history strategic direction. We will write a custom essay sample on Strategic Development of Management Accountant’s Role or any similar topic only for you Order Now The altering function of MA within the context of strategic determination devising The direction comptrollers ( MA’s ) function has been traveling through alterations, consisting a diminution in the ‘scorekeeping’ function and, a corresponding addition in ‘business-consultancy’ functions ( Hopper and Scapens et al. , 2007 ) . It shows a alteration from a function as inactive manufacturers of fiscal information, to a more proactive function including active engagement in determination devising and a focal point on a broader set of information than merely entirely fiscal. Therefore, the MA’s function is altering from an administrative degree to the strategic one, i.e. from â€Å"bean counters† to â€Å"business partners† ( Paulsson, 2012 ) . Other faculty members support the altering function of MA, such as Burns and Baldvinsdottir ( 2007 ) who mention globalisation, displacements in engineering, accounting dirts, and corporate tendencies ; while Pierce and O’Dea ( 2003 ) supply a list of factors that inclu de, the grade of decentalisation of the accounting map, development of describing systems, corporate civilization, and debut of new MA tools. However, it is argued that MA’s function had expanded instead than changed ( Burns and Baldvinsdottir, 2005 ) . In fact, it is of import to retrieve the nucleus values of traditional accounting have ne’er truly disappeared ( Baldvinsdottir et al. , 2009 ) . The addition in competition and the outgrowth of more client focused markets have besides driven a alteration in MA function ( Cooper and Dart, 2009 ) . As a consequence, a downswing in gross revenues and an addition in costs could be partly due to non accommodating to those alterations fast plenty. A determination based on traditional accomplishments would non help directors in doing better strategic determinations and accordingly non viing with rivals who seem to hold developed their function. The fact that traditional MA accomplishments have merged with new 1s will add the concerns strategic success in the fast moving concern epoch ( Jarvenpaa, 2007 ) . The handiness of user friendly and analytical package has freed up infinite for the MA’s to execute more sophisticated undertakings such as strategic determination devising and develop the necessary ‘hard skills’ needed, which means going an analyst and concern spouse compared to a simple figure cruncher ( Pauls son, 2012 ) . With MA heading towards a ‘business partner’ type function ( Vaivio, 2006 ) , it has become common for direction comptrollers to be involved in countries such as strategic determination devising ( Sunarni, 2013 ) . Similarly, it is thought that by germinating the traditional function of merely supplying internal information to unifying this with external information, direction comptrollers can help directors more efficaciously when doing a strategic determination for the company ( Kidane, 2012 ) . Once a strategic determination has been made, a specific direction tool can be used to help in doing the tactical determination. In order to heighten the future economic value of the company ( Kaplan and Norton, 1996 ) the balanced scorecard ( BSC ) attack should be used, as it measures public presentation through strategic aims, which so drives betterment in merchandises and market development ( Kaplan and Norton, 1993 ) . It besides will let the company to utilize peculiar scheme to steer determinations at all degrees through communicating, and it can be used to accomplish single and company marks ( Kaplan and Norton, 1996 ) . The practical impact of modern-day attacks to bing and budgeting As a response to the challenges over environmental and internal procedure alterations within MA function, new techniques and constructs have been adopted. Those have helped MA’s to bring forth more elaborate and accurate methods, so that misdirecting signals associated with traditional methods were avoided ( Cooper and Dart, 2009 ) . However, a job associated with the debut of new attacks is that they are significantly more dearly-won to implement and run compared to traditional attacks as staff utilizing them will necessitate advanced preparation and new package will be required ; therefore, being avoided by little administrations ( Hansen et al. , 2009 ) . Although there are high costs associated with these attacks many houses have adopted these new attacks, proposing that the benefits overweigh the operating costs ( Hansen et al. , 2009 ) . An illustration of a modern-day budgeting attack would be Zero-based budgeting ( ZBB ) , which was introduced to get the better of restrictions of incremental budgeting ( Drury, 2012 ) . ZBB allows companies to prioritise and choose plans and degrees of attempt which best meet its aims ; ensuing in an intensive direction engagement in the budgeting procedure, coercing them to research options in budgetary determinations doing ( Dean and Cowen, 1979 ) . In fact, ZBB can advance efficiency as directors need to warrant their undertakings, promoting them to seek for the most efficient every bit good as cost-efficient solutions ( Rasmussen, 2003 ) . It is besides found to restrict the growing of disbursals in the company, unlike those who use traditional attacks, and to arouse the engagement of more line directors in the budget procedure ( Dean and Cowen, 1979 ) . Similarly, the company would profit by following throughput accounting as it is a step of public presentation ( Gregory et al. , 1995 ) and is a time-based costing technique which applies the theory of restraints ( Drury, 2012 ) . It would maximize the company’s ends as the technique focuses on the companies restraints ( Dean and Sharfman, 1996 ) by hiking net incomes sustainably and run intoing the company’s strategic aims ( Gregory et al. , 1995 ) . It encourages determination devising to be communicated on an organizational footing advancing a positive alteration within the administrations civilization. Although the company, by utilizing this technique, can accomplish short term net income maximization ( Dean and Sharfman, 1996 ) with a ‘short term determination horizon’ , it would non profit in the long term because long term net incomes are non sustained ( Robinson, 1990 ) . Activity based costing ( ABC ) was developed in order to battle the restrictions that the traditional technique of soaking up bing carried. This new technique will help the company in bettering strategic determination procedure by bring forthing elaborate and accurate information as it uses a greater figure of cost Centres and different types of cost drivers ; guaranting that misdirecting signals associated with traditional costing methods are avoided ( Drury, 2012 ) .Impacting the firm’s profitableness as it eliminates costs and losingss linked to unprofitable merchandises, services and clients that fail to heighten the worthiness of the house ( Drury, 2012 ) .According to Kennedy and Afflek-Graves ( 2001 ) , it provides a good footing for future hard currency flow projections, which in bend aid houses to take investings in value-added activities and increase stockholders value. Harmonizing to Chea ( 2011 ) , ABC recognises the relationships each driver has with a merchandise or activity ; therefore, bettering merchandise cost truth. This gives the direction of an administration a clear image on chances to cut down costs ( Kaplan and Norton, 2001 ) . ABC has been shown to better firms’ public presentation in market and accounting related steps as it gives directors a better apprehension of cost/resource direction ( Lambert and Sponen, 2011 ) . A survey conducted on UK houses found that the houses utilizing ABC had shown to surpass matched non-ABC houses by 27 % and that ABC adds value to houses through better cost controls and plus use ( Kennedy and Afflek-Graves, 2001 ) . It provides the company with critical information about which services make demands on which duty Centres and functional sections, assisting to place which services add value to the company ( Jabbour, 2009 ) . However, it has been reported that ABC still does incorporate major subje ctive allotments which restricts the truth of it cost information ( Cooper and Kaplan, 1992 ) . Kennedy and Afflek-Graves stated that â€Å"the end of ABC is to increase net incomes, non to obtain more accurate costs† ( 2001 ) . The development of ABB has shown to be an betterment from traditional methods by puting more realistic budgets and besides, improved designation of resource demands. It has besides helped to increase the accent and truth of budget end products ( Huynh et al. , 2003 ) . ABB has shown to be more effectual in pull offing costs as it presents a model which allows a company to calculate out the sum of resources that are required to accomplish the budgeted degree of activity ( Huynh et al. , 2013 ) . This allows them to do appropriate accommodations during the budget scene stage ( Drury, 2012 ) .This will assist the company make up one’s mind what activities should be undertaken in order to run into budgeted production and gross revenues volume. ABB provides critical information in greater item which will assist steer direction comptrollers make right determinations on how much resources should be allocated to each activity, i.e. a more precise manner to project future costs ( Atkin son et al. , 2008 ) . Once this method has been adopted the company will be able to interpret its vision into scheme with determinable marks in order to make value, which includes disbursals, net income borders and productiveness addition, every bit good as cost of capital decreases ( Huynh et al. , 2013 ) . Therefore, it can be used for companies’ efficiency and effectiveness rating. However, it merely accentuate cost management’ control and be aftering intent ( Blocher et al. , 2005 ) . When a company uses ABC and ABB at the same time it normally develops an activity based operational method i.e. activity based direction ( ABM ) , which consequences on an homogenous working environment ; therefore, easing communicating and helping as an effectual theoretical account for strategic decision-making ( Huynh et al. , 2013 ) . By implementing ABM the company is utilizing a strategic cost direction system looking at cost and procedure dimensions for cost decrease ( Blocher et al. , 2005 ) . The use of ABM additions company’s profitableness and fight every bit good as improves operational control because it distinguish value-added from non-value added costs by analyzing managers’ undertaken actions on an activity based base ( Huynh et al. , 2013 ) . Decision Having exposed MA’s to new countries, specifically in the country of concern direction, is doing their function more proactive when it comes to determination devising. Therefore, words like concern and spouse are cardinal as directors and MA’s are going bonded together to do a stronger squad and heighten strategic determination devising. Strategic direction is an of import country which should be developed within this fabrication company ; therefore, BSC should be implemented as it would give the company a strategic acquisition capacity, through roll uping feedback and proving the company’s scheme before doing determinations. It is clear that the debut of modern-day attacks to bing and budgeting have significantly impacted organisations operations, particularly on the function of MA’s within context of strategic determination devising. If the company stop up by utilizing ABC system for product’ costing, it should besides build an activity based budgeting and direction for efficiency intent, as a strategic determination. Therefore, the acceptance of an activity based direction line would give directors a clear position of the companies’ consequences taking directors to run control and do strategic determinations. Contemplation This whole group work was a challenge. Everything started when we are non in our original assigned groups and we end up together after a strategic move by coachs to apportion pupils by attending. We started working under force per unit area ; we were two hebdomads behind other groups and have non worked together antecedently made it even more hard as we did non cognize how to move with each other. When get downing we agreed to work in every point increasingly together, which was decidedly non a reasonable determination as we were already late. All that issues were originating because we wanted to b democratic and allow everyone hold equal authorization in the group, which was taking to inefficiency in organisational degree, task assignment degree and deadline conformity degree. We finally noticed that, ensuing on one of the member self-entitled herself as the leader and started delegating undertakings and making deadlines. We managed to complete the work but it would be better if we had worked determined place from the started. We have learned that leading is a cardinal point for teamwork. Mentions Atkinson, A. , Kaplan, R. , Matsumura, E. and Young ( 2008 )Management AccountingPeking: Tsinghua University Press. Baldvinsdottir, G. , Burns, J. , Norreklit, k. and Scapens, R. ( 2009 ) The direction accountant’s function,Fiscal Management( July/August ) . pp. 34–35. Blocher, E. , Chen, K. , Cokins, G. and Lin, T. ( 2005 )Cost Management: A Strategic Emphasis. 3rdEd. McGraw-Hill. New York. Nathan birnbaums, J. and Baldvinsdottir, G. ( 2005 ) An institutional position of accountant’s new functions: the interplay, of contradictions and practice.The European Accounting Review. 14, ( 4 ) . pp. 725–58. Nathan birnbaums, J. and Baldvinsdottir, G. ( 2007 ) The altering function of direction comptrollers, in T. Hopper, D. Northcott and R.W. Scapens,Issues in Management Accounting3rd ed. , Pearson Education, Harlow. Chea, A. ( 2011 ) Activity-based bing system in the service sector: A strategic attack for heightening managerial determination devising and fight.International Journal of Business and Management[ online ] . 6 ( 11 ) , pp. 3-10. [ Accessed 12 March 2014 ] . Cooper, P. and Dart, E. ( 2009 ) Change in the direction accountant’s function: drivers and diverseness. School of Management. University of Bath. Working Paper Series. Dean, B. and Cowen, S. ( 1979 ) The usage of zero-base budgeting in industry: some observations ‘ .Interfaces. 9, ( 4 ) , pp. 55-60. [ Accessed 1 Mar 2014 ] . Dean, J. and Sharfman, M. ( 1996 ) Does determination procedure affair? A survey of strategic decision- doing effectivity.Academy of Management Journal[ online ] . 39, ( 2 ) , pp.368-396. [ Accessed 2 March 2014 ] . Drury, C. ( 2012 ) Management and cost accounting.8Thursdayerectile dysfunction. Andover: Cengage Learning. Gregory, M. and Neely, A. and Platts, K. ( 1995 ) Performance measuring system design.International Journal of Operations and Production Management[ online ] . 15 ( 4 ) , pp. 80-116. [ Accessed 3 March 2014 ] . Hansen, D. and Mowen, M. ( 2003 ) Cost direction: accounting and control. Peking University Press. Hansen, D. , Mowen, M. and Guan, L. ( 2009 ) Cost direction: accounting and control. 6th erectile dysfunction. United States of America: Cengage Learning. Hopper, T. , Scapens, R. and Northcott, D. ( 2007 )Issues in Management Accounting. Harlean carpenter: Financial Times Prentice Hall. Huynh, T. , Gong, G. and Huynh, H. ( 2013 ) Integration of activity-based budgeting and activity-based direction.International Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Sciences.1, ( 4 ) , pp. 181-187. Jabbour, M. ( 2009 ) The Impact Activity-based Costing as a Management Accounting Technique on Insurance Companies ‘ Performance. [ on-line ] . [ Accessed 10 March 2014 ] . Jarvenpaa, M. ( 2007 ) Making concern spouses: A instance survey on how direction accounting civilization has changed,European Accounting Review. 16, ( 1 ) , pp 99–142. Kaplan, R. and Norton, D. ( 1993 )Puting the Balanced Scorecard to Work[ online ] . Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing. [ Accessed 13 February 2014 ] . Kaplan, R. and Norton, D. ( 1996 )Using the Balanced Scorecard as a Strategic Management System[ online ] . Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing. [ Accessed 21 February 2014 ] . Kaplan, R. and Norton, D. ( 1996 ) The Balanced Scorecard: Translating Strategy Into Action [ online ] . Boston, Mass: Harvard Business School Press. [ Accessed 5 March 2014 ] . Kaplan, R.K. and Norton, D.N. ( 2001 )The Strategy-Focused Organization: How Balanced Scorecard Companies Thrive in the New Business Environment[ online ] . United States of America: Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation. [ Accessed 12 March 2014 ] . Kennedy, T.K. and Afflek-Graves, J.A. ( 2001 ) The impact of activity-based bing techniques on house public presentation.Journal of Management Accounting Research[ online ] . 13, pp. 19-45. [ Accessed 10 March 2014 ] . Kidane, F. ( 2012 ) Decision Making and the Role of Management Accounting Function – A Review of Empirical Literature. Radix International Journal of Banking, Finance and Accounting. 1, ( 4 ) . Lambert, C. and Sponen, S. ( 2011 ) Roles, authorization and engagement of the direction accounting map: A Multiple Case-Study Perspective. The European Accounting Review. Neely, A.N. , Bourne, M.B. and Adams, C.A. ( 2003 ) Better budgeting or beyond budegting? .Measuring Business Excellence[ online ] . 7 ( 3 ) , pp. 22-28. [ Accessed 10 March 2014 ] . Paulsson, G. ( 2012 ) The function of direction comptrollers in new public direction.Financial Accountability A ; Management.28, ( 4 ) , pp. 378 — 394. Pierce, B. and O’Dea, T. ( 2003 ) Management accounting information and the demands of managers-Perceptions of directors and comptrollers compared.The British Accounting Review.35, ( 4 ) , pp. 257-290. Rasmussen, N. ( 2003 )Procedure betterment for effectual budgeting and fiscal coverage. Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley. Robinson, M. ( 1990 ) Contribution border analysis: No longer relevant/ strategic cost direction: The new paradigm.Journal of Management Accounting Research 2[ online ] . 9 ( 4 ) , pp. 1-32. [ Accessed 4 March 2014 ] . Sunarni, C. ( 2013 ) Management Accounting Practices and the Role of Management Accountant: Evidence from fabricating Companies throughout Yogyakarta, Indonesia.Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research.2, ( 2 ) , pp. 616-626. Vaivio, J. ( 2006 ) â€Å"The Business Controller, Non-Financial Measurement and Tacit Knowledge† .The Finnish Journal of Business Economics. 2, pp.194-212. How to cite Strategic Development of Management Accountant’s Role, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

What Caused the Great Depression free essay sample

Conflicts Cambridge jail and discovered that some of the tattered inmates were chained in a filthy, cold cell simply because they were mentally ill. Dixie had confronted the hidden-away fact that most psychotically troubled people of the day existed in deplorable circumstances within prisons, poorhouses, reformatories -? and even homes. The shy, but incensed witness reported the situation to a local court. Dies charges were spurned, but she made the situation public, and efforts were made to improve conditions.In 1881, she accepted an apartment at the Trenton New Jersey State Hospital she herself had founded. Six years later, July 17, 1887, at the age of 85, Throated Dixie died of what her physician called ossification of the arterial membrane. She was seated at the tea table. She was later buried in the Mount Auburn Cemetery near Boston with the simplest Of funeral services Occupation Dixie was merely 14 when she founded a school for little children. We will write a custom essay sample on What Caused the Great Depression or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page She taught, and also wrote learning materials for, her youthful charges over the next two decades.At one point, Dixie crossed the Atlantic to England where she met advocates of better treatment for the insane as a nurse. A teacher, nurse, humanitarian, and social reformer for the mentally ill Hobbies She enjoyed helping people. At the age of 54, Throated had traveled half of the United States and Europe inspecting institutions, jails, etc. For mistreatment Interesting Facts She was responsible for establishing or enlarging 32 mental hospitals in N. America, Europe, and Japan. In June 1861, Dixie was appointed superintendent f female nurses by the secretary of war, Simon Cameron, for the federal government.She over saw the training, recruitment, and placement of some 2,000 women who cared for wounded union soldiers during the civil war President Millard Fillmore found Throated to be a wonderful warm and caring companion, a loyal friend Reform Massachusetts Her report on conditions in Massachusetts prisons and almshouses showed horrific conditions for those who had mental disease as well as those who were unable to maintain a profession or a wage. In some cases, those who ere curable or those who did not belong in prison were placed there because they had no where else to go.The prisons and charity houses were not able to say no to peacekeepers who brought these people in. Dixie insisted that there must be a concerted effort to help these people out by starting at the top. She wished the Massachusetts legislation to work on ways of improving holding places for the mentally ill and the poor. She said it was up to them to exercise that wisdom which is the breath of the power of God, a reference to a divine cause. Background Throated had anything but a normal childhood.Her father was an abusive alcoholic and her mother, it was rumored, was mentally retarded. Later, two more children were born into the family and Dixie had the job of both mother and father. Dixie had been known to make the comment, l never knew childhood. Often, she would take refuge at her grandmothers house in Boston, Massachusetts. Though Throated lived a dysfunctional family life, she learned much from her father, such as reading and writing. These two assets would influence many of the choices she would make later in life.This early and added skill of reading and writing put her ahead of all her classmates in school. So began her passion for teaching as she taught her brothers to read. The family soon moved to Massachusetts. By this time, her father was an incurable alcoholic and her mother became worse, suffering from acute and incurable headaches Trochees grandmother, on her fathers side, who had given her refuge earlier in life.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Young and Menace by Fall Out Boy free essay sample

I found this piece to be extraordinary at the first listen! Its very different from any other Fall Out Boy song heard, and it has its own twist. The mixture of deep/high tones brings the piece all together. The lyrics also have a surprising touch; they have a deeper meaning to them that hits home for many listeners and fans. Speculation has been floating around ever since the single hit on April 27, 2017, and many conspiracies of what the song may mean have come to the surface. Some people choose to believe it represents the battle of anxiety. It goes from isolation to rage to anxiety and anxiousness. The lyrics within the song touch upon these sensitive subjects, if you listen closely. And if you watch the music video? Oh, that gives this song a whole new meaning! Fall Out Boys new music video also dropped with this single, premiering on the same date of April 27, 2017. We will write a custom essay sample on Young and Menace by Fall Out Boy or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Fans were surprised, yet excited to see the new video, and were equally confused as to what this represented. If you are a Fall Out Boy fan or have simply seen past videos of theirs, you would know that some of the themes of their videos can be quite dark. This music video isnt necessarily dark, but it is unique and somewhat confusing. After further research, it turns out that Fall Out Boys Pete Wentz has spoken out on the meaning behind this video: Its hard to rationalize rageits hard to quantify anxiety. This song does neither. It embraces the wave of those emotions. (from NME.com). Within the video, you see the young girls parents are animals, and see how they are not only verbally abusive to each other, but to her. She sees that as animals because they are wild and uncontrollable and because of these things, her emotions, such as rage and anxiousness, get the best of her. Thats why she is seen running away from her home shes trying to find a lighter side of this situation. The video accurately describes these feelings. The song also plays nicely into it; both work together as a tag-team. If you havent yet, go onto YouTube and type in Young and Menace by Fall Out Boy and take a peek at the video. I guarantee you wont be disappointed.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Book Summary of LIVING WITH CHINA essays

Book Summary of LIVING WITH CHINA essays This is a book Summary I did for an International Polictics Course. I do not wish to have my name published, because if the teacher found out I submitted it I would be expelled. I attend SUNY in NY, USA. I recieved an A on this paper. The only comments she made was that I needed to replace the Whichs with thats Living With China: U.S. -China Relations in the Twenty-First Century is a book edited by Ezra F. Vogel which assess the political, economic, and human rights issues which the U.S. must consider in developing a consistent and mutually beneficial foreign relations policy toward China in the twenty- first century. Tension between U.S.- China relations date back to World War Two. Additionally, the Tienanmen Square incident in 1989, further aggravated U.S.-China relations. Since the end of the Cold War, and especially since 1991, the United States has had no consistent foreign policy in regards to China. This book is a compilation of background papers, from numerous authors, which were written for the November 1996, American Assembly meeting whose purpose was to discuss and work to reach a consensus on U.S.-China relations. The essays deal with the issues that will mold future relations with China. The book consists of an Introduction, eight chapters and an Address to The American Assembly given by Senator Sam Nunn. The introduction gives a brief overview of political events and history which have led to the then current (1997) state of relations between the United Sates and China. In addition, it gives a concise, clear summary of what issues China and the U.S. agree upon and which issues they do not. The most notable disagreements between U.S. and China are over Taiwan and Tibet, and human rights. The introduction further goes on to include a summary of each chapter in the book. The eight chapters include topics on issues over Tawain, Tibet, Hong Kong, the Tiananmen Squar...

Friday, November 22, 2019

The 10 Commandments Of Writing Great Copy

The 10 Commandments Of Writing Great Copy What does it take to write great copy? Great copy looks different depending upon where you find it; each audience has a different set of copywriting rules that they respond to. Great blog copy might make terrible ad copy, and vice versa. So lets talk about the copy youre creating for your website and blog. What rules apply? 1. Write as a conversation. People prefer conversations rather than lectures. Lectures talk down to them, while conversations speak with them on the same level. How do you write conversationally? Theres a real human here. When I write, I have a specific person in mind as I write. I need a face to write to, or I write generic, faceless posts. This approach keeps me from acting as if I am lording over a reader, but sitting next to her and having a conversation about something. Perhaps it is a fan on Twitter or a reader who left a comment who I am thinking of when writing. This is made easier when you listen to your audiences feedback and write posts that they request or suggest. Second person over there. When you illustrate with a real-life example, its OK to use the first-person (I, me, we). For the rest of your post, use second person (you, yours). Grammar says no, dont mix the two, but think of how you carry on a conversation. You should stay away from skunks. Why? I had a bad experience once. Thought it was a cat. You really want to avoid that. You can mix the two in your blog copy if you reserve I for your examples and stories, and you for the rest. The point is to be conscious of it, and not sloppily mix we and you from one paragraph to the next when no illustration or personal story is involved. 2. Dont fall in love with your pets. Kill them. You have pet phrases that you love. These are the ways of handling words and ideas that you return to again and again. Maybe you are like Ronald Reagan, and prefer to start everything with a well, Your pets have been loyal and served you well and you dont even notice them anymore, but not everyone who visits your blog appreciates your dog jumping up on them and slobbering all over their face every paragraph or so. During the edit process, look for the so, but, well, therefore that dont need to be there. Youll often see them at the start of a sentence. Look for the larger phrases, too. At the end of the day, to make matters worse, if you can believe it, they arent necessary. They are pets, not work horses. You want words that do work, not look cute. 3. Make friends with simplicity. Simple is good. If churning out copy is what you do all day, youll find it easy to bloat your writing. Words are what you think of and write all day long, and when weariness seeps in, your copy starts to bloat because it is  more difficult to write simple sentences that it is to write long sentences. When you are tired of writing, your copy gets bloated. Simple writing takes more work.You are free to start complicated, as long as you end up simple. Thats part of the blog writing system we use here. What is simple copy? Speaks plainly and directly.  Says what it means to say. Not laden with gimmicks, either in words or ideas. Has breathing room, both in white space on the page and the sound of the sentences (mix short with long sentences). Clear ideas. No meandering around. Skips jargon and impossible words that make readers feel stupid when they dont understand. Stand up straight and speak directly. If youre afraid to say something in your copy, wrapping it in pet phrases and caveats doesnt soften the blow. It merely makes it mushy. 4. Write to sell. All writing is selling. It pains me to say that out of fear of being crass, but even fiction writing is selling. It sells an ideology, a philosophy, a fantasy, a hope, a chance. You have to know what you are selling with your copy before you can write the copy.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Personal Plan Marketing Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Plan Marketing - Personal Statement Example Having been a student leader through high school ad my college life, I have developed greater interest in pursuing political career in the future with no less an ambition than being a president after retiring from my professional career. The high self-esteem that people often point of me has been and continues to be my strength and this nurtures my high aspirations. Being honest, hardworking and maintaining high level of integrity are main virtues that are so true in defining myself, and these, I attribute to my loving mum and my teachers, who have taught me throughout my upbringing. Nevertheless, one would almost get a perception of a very serious guy in me but surprise would be to learn that I am one of the lightest persons you can ever meet. Life has taught me to take every opportunity that comes my way; in joy and in sorrow and make best of it. This therefore has trained me to be very sociable and at the same time very serious when it comes to matters that require such. Religion is also part of my life and I always spare my time for serving God amidst my tight schedules as my religious background has taught me. Having been born 23 years ago in the countryside, I must count myself to have experienced the taste of two centuries; the 20th and 21stcentury, which are differentiated by quality of living and sense of importance. My childhood, much of which was experienced through the late years of 20th century, had nothing at all to celebrate due to much suffering in hunger, poor living standards and poor economic status back in the village. However, life has turned a bit for the better as it continues to experience the good of the transition in century through education which has enabled me fetch some income from periodic employments and hence I am continually transforming the living of my family and myself. I must therefore appreciate my background for continually shaping me for who I am now. I have developed great zeal in hard

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Identifying Long Term Trends SLP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Identifying Long Term Trends SLP - Essay Example have sufficient funds to fully invest there business in Canada, and as a result the financial managers may decide to source some funds from a financial institution. However, these funds will be associated with an interest rate set by the lender. During inflation period, the interest rates will tend to be higher, this will affect the amount of interest that will accrue to the loan borrowed (Mankiw, 2012). Financial managers of Fedex corporation should therefore, consider interest applicable before deciding where to source there funds. As an economic variable, the stock market affects FedEx Corporation, Canada’s expansion program. This is because the stock market index based on Canada’s stock exchange gives a prediction of the expected future value of stock prices. In case, there is a high value index FedEx Corporation should continue to carry out its expansion to Canada because the financial managers expect high profits as a result, of rapid economic growth accompanied b y low levels of unemployment. Financial managers need to also determine the rate of inflation in Canada before carrying out there investment. If inflation is high it then means that consumers prices will be high, and in turn will affect how they spend there money (Mankiw, 2012). If inflation is high FedEx Corporation will fix the prices of there services high, and as a result, consumers will not use the services because they cannot afford it. During inflation, it is extremely difficult for FedEx to determine how much income to generate, this is because it is difficult to determine the demand for there services at the higher prices (Mankiw, 2012). In addition, the financial managers of FedEx Corporation should focus on the trends of the real gross domestic product as it gives a measure of what the economy produces goods and services besides giving an accurate measure of changes in the price levels. In addition, the financial managers of FedEx Corporation should take into consideration the

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Unity of Northern and Southern America Essay Example for Free

The Unity of Northern and Southern America Essay The attempt of the Southern States to secede from the American Federation in 1861, created a dangerous crisis in the history of America. The crisis turned into an internal war and, by the superior military power of the Center, they had to be kept within the Federation as integral part of the country which was, at that time, already moving towards plenty and prosperity. It was a complex process, and the Northern Federal Government really showed some extraordinary skills in order to bring the South back into the political system Historical Background In 1776, under the brilliant leadership of George Washington, 13 British Colonies in America united together and achieved a glorious freedom. On November 15, 1777, a confederation was created in order to provide for common defense, securities for their liberties and for their mutual and general welfare in the future. But the system had many loopholes and, hence, soon the leaders felt that the system must be either revised or superseded by a new one. Thus, the Philadelphia Convention was held in May 1787 which introduced a full fledged Federation for fostering a sense of unity among the units. According to K. C. Wheare, â€Å"The fear of military insecurity and the consequent need of common defense, a desire to be independent of foreign power and the need of economic prosperity etc. have encouraged modern nations to form Federations† (Wheare). Naturally, it needs unity among the federal units and the supremacy of the national Government. In the view of Bernard Schwartz, â€Å"The American system has properly ensured those arrangements†. (Schwartz). In 1819, Chief Justice Marshall established the doctrine of federal supremacy in the case of McCulloch v. Maryland; and it was declared in the case of Texas v. White (1869) that Northern and Southern Unity 3 America was â€Å"an indestructible union, composed of indestructible states†. So, no unit can secede from it and, an attempt to do so can be failed by the superior power of the Center. The Crisis Yet the crisis came up in 1861 when the civil war broke out with a threat to the very existence of the Federation. Of course, a conflict between the north and the South was inevitable and this is a real wonder that how the breakdown could have been avoided for such a long period of time. In fact, ever since the formation of the Union, the units of the North and the South were cross-purposes. Ostensibly, the war centered round the institution of slavery; but, in fact, it was involved with much bigger issues of political and economic affairs as well. There was a strong reason for which the Southern states intended to desert the Union. While the North was highly industrialized, the South depended upon Agriculture and the finished goods from the North. Moreover, the South needed the slaves for agriculture, but the North was in favor of their emancipation. â€Å"The cotton-growing South, irritated by the growing threat of Abolitionist Movement, and fearing this predominance in the Congress, began to talk of secession from the union† (Wells). In short, the interests were very much conflicting. Gradually, the idea state-right gained ground and the Southern states began to think that it was useless to remain in the Federation. As their political fear along with the economic grudge mixed up, the existence of the Federation was seriously at stake. Finally, the election of Abraham Lincoln as the President of America in the year 1866 brought the matter to a head. His success in the election was taken to be the ominous sign of a triumph of the slave-abolitionists and thus, everything rapidly drifted from bad to worse leading to a five-year war in 1861. Northern and Southern Unity 4 The War It is during this crucial time that the quality of the presidential leadership was seriously tested. As Sidney Warren has observed, â€Å"Abraham Lincoln, reacting boldly to the challenge of rebellion not only enlarged the constitutional role of presidency in times of crisis but invested the office with the attribute of moral leadership† (Warren). He believed that the Federation could not be broken up by the Southern states in this way and, in order to keep it intact, military measures were to be adopted with unbending tenacity and firm determination. Resultantly, the South was defeated, and the Federation was preserved. It is a fact that the South began well and initially it achieved a number of victories. But the failure to capture Maryland was a turning point of the war. Lincoln immediately seized the opportunity to proclaim the emancipation of slaves in the rebellious states. It was truly a master-stroke, because the slaves in the Southern zone now began to support the President. And, moreover, it won the sympathy of foreign nations with the result that, since then, the rebels failed to win any outside assistance. Reconstruction Policy and the South After the civil war, the fundamental task of the Central Government was to adopt a proper policy of reconstruction and re-union with a view to strengthening the American Federation. But due to various reasons, the task was a complex one. The sad assassination of President Lincoln made it amply clear that the fanatics were strongly opposed to a progressive policy. He, indeed, had hated slavery and desired its abolition. But he actually fought for Union and not for the emancipation of the slaves as such. His primary Northern and Southern Unity 5 purpose was to protect and preserve the unity of the Federation by thwarting the disintegrating attitude of the South. So, after the end of the civil war, the Primary Task of the new President, Andrew Johnson, was to carry out a generous conciliation as advocated by his predecessor. But the victorious North, mindful of its own loss due to the war, was by no means conciliatory in its attitude towards the South. At least initially, the states of the North were in favor of adopting a policy of retaliation (L. Mukherjee). So, bitter quarrels broke out between the President and Congress which was dominated by the Republicans. As a matter of fact, the party-system of America was, during this time, almost localized and the Republican Party had no strong base in the south. This is also a reason for which it did not, initially, take much care for the interests of the South. The Reconstruction Act of 1867-68 provided that the Southern states should be treated as the conquered provinces to be administered by the military Governors and were to be readmitted to the Federation after they ratified the fourteenth amendment of the constitution. As some of the states withheld such ratification, the Congress proceeded to subject the South to Negro-rule under military protection. Naturally, the Negroes took the advantage of this provision and the reign of ‘Black Terror’ came into being. But gradually, a basic change ushered in primarily due to political and constitutional measures. Politically, the Southern states came to realize that the Federation was indestructible and any such attempt to break it would surely end in vain. The Federation was protected and it was taught to all that the units of and nobody, however mighty and powerful, had the right to break it up. The civil war also established the fact that the Center, though dominated by the Northern Northern and Southern Unity 6 states, was, for ensuring Federal unity entitled to adopt strict military measures. Such realization slowly infused in the South the idea of national unity and solidarity. Similarly, the Northern states rectified their earlier stand and accepted the Southern states as the integral part of the Federation. In this way the South were brought back into the Union and the rebels were taught to be loyal citizens. Of course, the party-system also helped much in the growth of such unity. Gradually the Republican Party expanded its organizations in the South and the, eventually, it too acted as a unifying force. Constitutionally, too, the process was towards unification. As O. P Goyal observes, â€Å"The 13th (1865), 14th (1868) and 15th (1870) amendments grew out of the civil war† (Goyal). The 13th amendment abolished slavery which so long appeared as a bone of content between the South and the North. The 14th amendment defined citizenship and forbade states to deprive persons of life, liberty and property â€Å"without due process of law†. The abolishment of the institution of slavery has brought about the emancipation of billions of people who had so long forced to remain as the casualties of modern civilization. The Negroes, who had suffered much due to racial hatred, were now placed in power and position. In this way the people of the North and South were brought in a state of equality. The 15th amendment forbade the Governments, both central and provincial, from abridging the right to vote because of race, color, residence or other previous conditions of servitude. Thus the concept of equality and liberty was upheld through the constitution and, naturally, the vast majority of the Southern people who so long nurtured a grudge against the center, became loyal and submissive. The republic was, however, strengthened by the civil war. America emerged out of it with a new spirit, hope and vigor. It now adopted a bold policy – France was forced to withdraw Northern and Southern Unity 7 its army from Mexico and Britain was persuaded to compensate for the American loss in the Alabama issue. This political factor had its influence on the economic side too. The Center, still dominated by the North, showed a practical sense in this matter. The Government adopted a policy which encouraged rapid industrialization and this scheme largely helped the South to proceed towards prosperity. As stated earlier, the slave-dependent society of the South now became much more rational in their approach and concentrated on the system of rational industrialization. Due to the abolition of the slave-system, and the new spirit of industrialization, they broke up the big estates and invested in the industrialization process. Thus an economy of cotton-cultivation gave way to the industrial revolution. They now manufactured their own goods and the spread of railways expanded their markets and also united them with the North. In the place of localism, a new feeling of solidarity and community of interests grew up. In this way the North and the South united together and formed a strong Federation. Rapid industrialization not only improved the living standard of the South, but also ensured a regional balance in the economy. Conclusion Thus the defeat of the South in the civil war is a landmark in the American history. It marked an era of new spirit of unity and solidarity which enriched the life of the Americans in different ways. Its resources were immensely developed and the country rapidly marched towards the goal of plenty and prosperity. Particularly, the defeat of the Southern-localism soon produced a sense of common citizenship and brotherhood which acted as the basis of subsequent affluence and tranquility. Northern and Southern Unity 8 In fact, the changed attitude of the North immensely helped to strengthen the Federation and, in such a favorable political climate, the Center adopted various measures in order to woo the people of the South. In this way, the process of unification smoothly proceeded after a temporary halt during the aforesaid conflict. However, Harold J. Laski one condemned the American system as an ‘obsolescent federalism’. According to him, it denied rapidity of action and rested upon compacts and compromises (Laski). But there is no wonder in it. It must be remembered that it is composed of a number of separate units which, for a long time, had remained isolated from each other under the British rule. Naturally, their economic system, political attitude, social structure and the way of life were divergent. The civil war clearly brought out such inherent differences. But in spite of a war between two parts of the Federation, the pragmatism of the North and the adaptability of the South eminently bridged the gulf and thus, an integrated and unified Federation of America came out of the civil war. Northern and Southern Unity 9 References Goyal, O. P. (1985). Comparative Government, McCurillan Press, India, p. 172 Laski, H. J. (May 1939). The Obsolescence of Federation, New Republic, Vol. 98, p. 367-69

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Health Care Crisis Essay -- Medical Insurance essays research pape

The cost of insurance has increased dramatically over the past decade, far surpassing the general rate of inflation in most years. Between 1989 and 1996, the average amount an employee had to contribute for family coverage jumped from $935 to $1778. In 1990, American companies spent $177 billion on health benefits for workers and their dependents; that number rose to $252 billion by 1996, or more than double the rate of inflation. Among the cost drivers: an aging population – the number of senior citizens who need health benefits is increasing dramatically every year; medical technology advances – which decreased the death rate; new drugs – expensive and effective, which make us live longer; and of course the increase of fear in medical litigations among doctors. Increase in usage will surely increase the cost of health care. On average, between the ages of 45 and 65, a person’s usage of health care triples. Eighty year-olds use nine times more health car e services than 45 year-olds. By the year 2030, the number of people over 65 is expected to double. The cost for medical services have increased as well. Since 1980, medical cost have risen 281%. The number of organ transplants has doubled in the past 15 years, and all transplants cost over $100,000.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  From my point of view, I think that increase in medical litigations is one of the most important factor of health care crisis. Americans spend far more per person on the costs of litigation than any other country in the world. The excess of the litigation system are an important contributor to â€Å"defensive medicine† – the costly use of medical treatments by a doctor for the purpose of avoiding litigation. As multimillion-dollar jury awards have become more commonplace in recent years, these problems have reached crisis proportions. Insurance premiums for malpractice are increasing at a rapid rate, particularly in states that have not taken steps to make their legal systems function more predictably and effectively. Doctors are facing much higher costs of insurance.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Because the litigation system does not accurately judge whether an error was committed in the course of medical care, physicians adjust their behavior to avoid being sued. A recent survey of physicians revealed that one-third shied away from going into a particular specialty because they feared it would subject them to greater liability exp... ...undable health credit.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I am in favor of the plan Universal Health Care Vouchers (UHCV). It is paid for by a dedicated Value-Added tax of 8%-10%. All insurers would be required to offer a specified health care plan to everyone, with payments adjusted for the risk level of each patient, so that coverage for sicker patients will be reimbursed at a higher rate. Individuals could choose any health care plan they desire, paying for the basic plan with their UHCV, and for any extra services they desire from their own pocket. Over time, this will replace Medicare, as older Americans will simply keep their current voucher plan when they turn 65, and it would replace Medicaid immediately. It would also end the problem of poor people seeking primary care in emergency rooms, by allowing them to have coverage for regular primary care in a doctor's office. Employers would no longer have to provide insurance coverage, reducing the cost of employment.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I am willing to pay higher taxes to solve the health care crisis because I would rather pay a few percent of my salary and have a much better health care insurance for my family than paying $150-$300 every time I go visit the doctor.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Greek Mythology and Medea Essay

Medea is a Greek tragedy which was written in 431 BC by the Greek philosopher Euripides. The story of Medea is one filled with anger, jealousy, and death. The main character, Medea, has to overcome the personal heartache of seeing her husband, Jason, marry another woman. The ensuing struggle she has with this notion is the focus of this play. In a very important scene, Medea hatches her plan to murder the princess, who is Jason’s new bride, as well as Jason himself. She says that first, she will pretend to beg for Jason’s forgiveness, and then she will have him bring the children back to the palace. At the palace, the children will present gifts to the princess from Medea. The gifts of a veil and bridal robe were covered with a poison that is designed to melt the skin from her body, as well as anyone who touched her. When the children give the gifts to the princess, she cannot resist putting them on immediately. After she put them on, the gifts begin to work as Medea had hoped. The skin begins to melt from her body and her hair begins to fall out. She also bursts into flames. Upon seeing this, a servant goes to fetch the king and Jason, and when he saw his daughter, King Creon collapses helplessly on the body, and as a result died from the same poisons. Jason returns to the place where Medea is staying and insists to see his children. But he is too late, as Medea has killed them as well. Her reasoning was that she hates Jason more than she loves her children. The sheer cruelty of this scene illustrates Euripides’ point that a clever woman with enough time to hatch a plan is a very dangerous woman indeed. It also proves that hell hat no fury like a woman scorned. Euripides was aiming to show, in my opinion, that when a woman is wronged in a manner such as this one, the man who has scorned her had better think twice about turning his back on the woman, especially if she is a clever one, as was Medea.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Personal Philosophy of Classroom Management Essay

Classroom Management is an essential element in implementing a successful learning environment for students. A teacher who implements a classroom management plan will control student’s misbehavior so that all students will be focused on the lessons being taught in the classroom. Below is an annotated list of points that I believe in concerning my view of classroom management. 1. How teacher should act: * Enthusiastic- A teacher should show enthusiasm when she is teaching the lessons. The teacher needs to show that she is excited about teaching the lessons so that the students will stay interested in listening and understanding the subject area content. * Respectful- The teacher should treat students with respect and also demand respect. She should never use fowl language, inappropriate behavior, share too much personal information or act in ways that are not ethical. * Role Model- A teacher should act as a role model to her students. The teacher should not do anything that would jeopardize her career as a teacher that would make her students look down upon her. She also must live a life that students look up to so they will remember that teacher forever. * Patiently- A teacher must exhibit patience in class. Every student learns at different paces and at different levels. A teacher must be willing to be patient if the students are not grasping the information. She should explain the information to the students until they finally understand the lesson 2. How students are expected to behave: * Respectful- Students are to be respectful towards the teacher and to each other. Students should show respect to the teacher by not talking when the teacher is instructing the class. The students should show respect to each other by not hitting each other, making fun of another, or taking one’s personal belongings. * On Task-Students should stay on task in class. Students should be focused on the teacher’s lessons and instructions. They should not be wandering off getting off task. If the students are off task, they will not understand the lessons or remember what happened in class. Also the teacher will have to go back and teach the lesson again which can cause the teacher to be off target teaching the curriculum and it will result in student’s receiving poor test scores. * Appropriately Well Behaved- Students should be well behaved in class. It is important for students to understand the importance of good behavior. If students are well behaved in the classroom, the teacher can spend more time instructing the students than time spent on behavioral issues. In a well behaved classroom, students are able to learn effectively. * Academically Prepared- Students are to come to school academically prepared. The students should complete their homework assignment each day in order to make sure they understand the subjects that are being taught. They should always come prepared to listen to the subject matter, offer their opinions, and ask god questions in class. 3. What the classroom might look and feel like: * Engaging- The classroom should look and feel engaging to the student. In the classroom, the teacher can arrange the classroom that promotes student interaction and group collaboration. Students should be seated in a circle or horseshoe shape that maximizes the amount of eye contact students can have with each other. * Clean and Organized Classroom- A teacher’s classroom should be clean and organized. The school supplies should be neatly organized and in a safe place where students can safely access the supplies. * Filled with student’s work- The classroom should be filled with student’s work on projects. The students will feel comfortable and engaged if what they are learning in class will be showcased in the classroom. The student can look around the room and be reminded to always do their best on their assignments. This also sends a message to students that their work and learning is important. * Student Centered – The classroom should be focused on the students. In the student centered classroom, you will find workstations that promote group activities such as puzzles or brainteasers that promote student collaboration. 4. How the teacher helps students conduct themselves properly: * Demonstrating the Rules- The teacher should teach, review, and practice rules form beginning of school till the end of school. The teacher should also let students demonstrate good behaviors and bad behaviors so that students will understand how to follow the rules and to have good behavior in class. * Reinforce positive behavior with Incentives- A teacher can help students conduct themselves properly by providing incentives through positive behavior. A student who exhibits positive behavior weekly will pick a price out of the treasure chest. This will result in students with bad behavior to act better if they see students winning cool prizes. * Student and Parent Contracts- To ensure students are behaving properly, student and parent contracts are sent home for parents and students to sign. This contract outlines what is expected from the student’s behavior, academics, and the parent’s commitment in the child’s education. This will be very helpful in helping the students have good behavior in class. * Character Education Mini Lessons tied to Curriculum- Teachers can tie in the classroom rules and good behavioral skills as mini-lessons. Before teaching the lessons, the teacher can discuss how to treat others, how to walk quietly in the halls, and do not talk while others are talking. By having these mini lessons on how students should behave will remind them of how to have good behavior in class. 5. What the teacher should do about misbehavior: * Cues- Teachers uses a cue or a simple verbal reprimand to redirect a student’s focus which eliminates the inappropriate behavior. A teacher can also praise the efforts of students with good behavior which can reduce the misbehavior among the other students. * Consequences such as loss of recess- If a student keeps misbehaving, the teacher can use the consequence of loss recess. The majority of students like to go to recess. If the student knows their punishment by loss of recess due to their misbehavior, their behavior will improve. * Private conference with student- If the student still misbehaves, the teacher will need to talk with the student. The teacher will inform the student that his or her misbehavior will not be tolerated in class and his or her parents will be contacted if the misbehavior continues. * Contact parent- A teacher should contact the parents if the student keeps misbehaving in class. If the teacher lets the parents know how their child behaves in class, then the parents can also talk to the child and discipline them at home. 6. How students should be taught and what is expected of them: * Post rules in the classroom- Teachers can post rules in the classroom so that students can be reminded each day of how to properly behave in class. Also the teacher can give quizzes to students about the poster rules throughout the year. * Clear articulation and communication in the syllabus- Teachers should communicate clearly about what is expected of student’s assignments and their behavior in class. For example, informing students to always do their best on their work or their handwriting must be neat on all of their assignments should be clearly communicated. Creating a syllabus will also inform students of when their assignments are due.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on The Wrong Heroes

Vegeta or Rooney? Society today is full of children looking for a hero. It’s a sad day when those heroes are cartoons and action figures. The media always try to find the latest and dirtiest scoops about our football, baseball, basketball and even tennis players. Children hear these scoops everywhere. From TV, newspapers and the Internet sportsmen are portrayed as bad people. Society needs heroes if it wants its children to look up to someone worthy. Rather than Buzz Lightyear and G.I. Joe, the children could be looking up to Michael Jordan and John Elway. If the media stopped sticking their nose in everyone’s business, we would have more heroes to look up to. Children should look up to sports figures despite their crimes. Parents are constantly ranting on about how Brett Favre can catch a ball. Children should be able to look up to those people without disappointment. No one is perfect. So, why must media show the world that Emmit Smith stole something or got caught doing drugs? It is the sports player prerogative what they wish to do. For the children’s sake the media should stop making everyone look bad. Children look up to parents. So, why would the media not find out everything about them and put it on TV? Let’s take away more heroes! The media already fool us enough. Maybe, they will think about making us fools in a better way. The media should use our naive ness to make people look heroic. Instead, they trash any hope we or our children have in finding someone worthy of heroism. Most television viewers are children; mainly cartoon and sports. Kids remember cartoon characters better than sport’s figures. Yes, the pikachu fights better and has special powers. If TV got sport’s figures to appear more interesting and worthy of heroism, they would be more likely to look up to them. Instead, children run around punching and pushing eachother. Because they would rather be Vegeta from Dragon... Free Essays on The Wrong Heroes Free Essays on The Wrong Heroes Vegeta or Rooney? Society today is full of children looking for a hero. It’s a sad day when those heroes are cartoons and action figures. The media always try to find the latest and dirtiest scoops about our football, baseball, basketball and even tennis players. Children hear these scoops everywhere. From TV, newspapers and the Internet sportsmen are portrayed as bad people. Society needs heroes if it wants its children to look up to someone worthy. Rather than Buzz Lightyear and G.I. Joe, the children could be looking up to Michael Jordan and John Elway. If the media stopped sticking their nose in everyone’s business, we would have more heroes to look up to. Children should look up to sports figures despite their crimes. Parents are constantly ranting on about how Brett Favre can catch a ball. Children should be able to look up to those people without disappointment. No one is perfect. So, why must media show the world that Emmit Smith stole something or got caught doing drugs? It is the sports player prerogative what they wish to do. For the children’s sake the media should stop making everyone look bad. Children look up to parents. So, why would the media not find out everything about them and put it on TV? Let’s take away more heroes! The media already fool us enough. Maybe, they will think about making us fools in a better way. The media should use our naive ness to make people look heroic. Instead, they trash any hope we or our children have in finding someone worthy of heroism. Most television viewers are children; mainly cartoon and sports. Kids remember cartoon characters better than sport’s figures. Yes, the pikachu fights better and has special powers. If TV got sport’s figures to appear more interesting and worthy of heroism, they would be more likely to look up to them. Instead, children run around punching and pushing eachother. Because they would rather be Vegeta from Dragon...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Argument of Love Essay

But how can we learn about something or someone without any experience? It takes being around someone on a regular basis to know and see how he/she handles different situations. This helps you know if this is someone who compliments you. So, why not give yourself time to experience the questions and answers you would ask if you would have met later in life. When people meet at an older age, they do not know anything about their partner’s character. Both people in the relationship are experienced and ready to settle down, usually before having time to figure out each other. On the other hand, when a couple starts out young you can catch the flaws as they grow. You can get used to the changes, leave them, or work it out. You are able to be together and become friends before lovers. You will know where the person came from, where they seem to be going, and what has already been accomplished. This is better than meeting a random person and trying to learn them quickly, â€Å"because life is too short. † Our parents are often loving, however, they have the meanest way of expressing it. They seem to always try to save you from the heartache and trouble they know you will encounter because â€Å"they have been there done that. They have lived and experienced life so they know more than we could imagine. This only made them stronger because â€Å"you learn from your mistakes right? † So why is it so bad for us to experience and learn from our own mistakes? They expect us teenagers to watch how their relationships went, and do what they did or the opposite. They would even tell you to look at your friend and how she/he started young and has a child. But everyone does not end up with the same outcome. I am not saying the first person you find at sixteen will be your lifetime partner. However, just because you are in love at sixteen does not mean the relationship will not last or the love is not true. Let us say you meet a person in the eighth grade and you have a crush on that person from the start. Whether it is their style, charm, or the fact he/she can answer many questions the teacher asks that attracted you to this person, you may also notice their flaws or disagree with them on many occasions. By being around your crush day by day, some days you may like them a lot, and some days you will not care for him/her at all. This is the beginning of what I feel is true love. When you see a person’s true character but still look past their imperfections just to be with them shows how much you care for that person. The older generation may call this naive or say we do not know any better. Now you are in high school and in a relationship with your crush. You begin to go on dates to the movies, skating, or just sitting on your sofa at home, it is not anything major but it is still spending time. When things start going great, one or maybe both of you start cheating. This is when your feelings are put to the test. You may break up, make up, and/or do it all over again. This process is the beginning to the perfect ending. Adults may call us teenagers stupid, but what we call cheating is talking on the phone, texting, or smiling at the opposite sex. Adults tend to think that sexual encounters with other people are the only type of cheating. When we find ways to work out our insecurities with our partner shows the dedication and potential our relationship has. No matter how people look at other people relationship problems we will all have to deal with the same things. Whether it is learning how to cope with a flirt in high school or trying to save a marriage with a cheater later on in life. Starting off young give you more time to figure your problems out so when it is time to get married you have truly been through it all with your lifetime partner. Once people reach about thirty-five they have had a few relationships that ended up bad, so they become close minded to people’s personalities. However, they still feel the need to settle down. They expect someone to be a certain way and if they are not what they think they should be then etting to know that person is over. Now a year has passed, they have met someone, dated, had sex, and met each other’s family. While overlooking the city sipping wine and smoking cigarettes, you have finally talked about the past, present, and future. â€Å"Oh NOW you are in love? † You were fed dreams in the sunset while washing it down with Alize so it just has to be true. Six years after being married, you are divorced with a five year old and high blood pressure. Your done with men/women but you still want love deep down inside. The one you fell in love with that night as the sun went down turned out to get overly angry when he would mix his Alize with Patron behind your back. Or it could be the other way around; she was a freak in the bed but also with Ned, Fred, and your best friend Simon. In reality, it is better to try and find your true love while you are still young. The first person that breaks your heart may or may not be the person you should spend the rest of your life with. But when you are young it is much easier to start all over again rather than waiting until â€Å"the time is right. Maybe that time would be twenty or thirty years from your first heartbreak. Then it will be like you are forced to settle for the first person that comes back into your life. On top of meeting someone new during middle age, you would have to catch up and learn more and more about a person which you should have experienced together. When you grow with a person you are able to see the whole process. You are there t o encourage him/her to do right. You can help the person grow while they are doing the same for you. If you both stick around through the toughest times then that is real love. If you leave and they do the most to get you back it is love. Being shown that they will not let you go no matter what should be enough to show you how genuine ones love is for you. You do not have the time to experience and find these things out when you are thirty-five because the time is limited. If you are able to figure those things out as an adult then you are truly blessed. Parents should be more open minded towards their children teenage love because one day they could be introducing him/her as their son-in-law or daughter-in-law. Argument of Love Essay But how can we learn about something or someone without any experience? It takes being around someone on a regular basis to know and see how he/she handles different situations. This helps you know if this is someone who compliments you. So, why not give yourself time to experience the questions and answers you would ask if you would have met later in life. When people meet at an older age, they do not know anything about their partner’s character. Both people in the relationship are experienced and ready to settle down, usually before having time to figure out each other. On the other hand, when a couple starts out young you can catch the flaws as they grow. You can get used to the changes, leave them, or work it out. You are able to be together and become friends before lovers. You will know where the person came from, where they seem to be going, and what has already been accomplished. This is better than meeting a random person and trying to learn them quickly, â€Å"because life is too short. † Our parents are often loving, however, they have the meanest way of expressing it. They seem to always try to save you from the heartache and trouble they know you will encounter because â€Å"they have been there done that. They have lived and experienced life so they know more than we could imagine. This only made them stronger because â€Å"you learn from your mistakes right? † So why is it so bad for us to experience and learn from our own mistakes? They expect us teenagers to watch how their relationships went, and do what they did or the opposite. They would even tell you to look at your friend and how she/he started young and has a child. But everyone does not end up with the same outcome. I am not saying the first person you find at sixteen will be your lifetime partner. However, just because you are in love at sixteen does not mean the relationship will not last or the love is not true. Let us say you meet a person in the eighth grade and you have a crush on that person from the start. Whether it is their style, charm, or the fact he/she can answer many questions the teacher asks that attracted you to this person, you may also notice their flaws or disagree with them on many occasions. By being around your crush day by day, some days you may like them a lot, and some days you will not care for him/her at all. This is the beginning of what I feel is true love. When you see a person’s true character but still look past their imperfections just to be with them shows how much you care for that person. The older generation may call this naive or say we do not know any better. Now you are in high school and in a relationship with your crush. You begin to go on dates to the movies, skating, or just sitting on your sofa at home, it is not anything major but it is still spending time. When things start going great, one or maybe both of you start cheating. This is when your feelings are put to the test. You may break up, make up, and/or do it all over again. This process is the beginning to the perfect ending. Adults may call us teenagers stupid, but what we call cheating is talking on the phone, texting, or smiling at the opposite sex. Adults tend to think that sexual encounters with other people are the only type of cheating. When we find ways to work out our insecurities with our partner shows the dedication and potential our relationship has. No matter how people look at other people relationship problems we will all have to deal with the same things. Whether it is learning how to cope with a flirt in high school or trying to save a marriage with a cheater later on in life. Starting off young give you more time to figure your problems out so when it is time to get married you have truly been through it all with your lifetime partner. Once people reach about thirty-five they have had a few relationships that ended up bad, so they become close minded to people’s personalities. However, they still feel the need to settle down. They expect someone to be a certain way and if they are not what they think they should be then etting to know that person is over. Now a year has passed, they have met someone, dated, had sex, and met each other’s family. While overlooking the city sipping wine and smoking cigarettes, you have finally talked about the past, present, and future. â€Å"Oh NOW you are in love? † You were fed dreams in the sunset while washing it down with Alize so it just has to be true. Six years after being married, you are divorced with a five year old and high blood pressure. Your done with men/women but you still want love deep down inside. The one you fell in love with that night as the sun went down turned out to get overly angry when he would mix his Alize with Patron behind your back. Or it could be the other way around; she was a freak in the bed but also with Ned, Fred, and your best friend Simon. In reality, it is better to try and find your true love while you are still young. The first person that breaks your heart may or may not be the person you should spend the rest of your life with. But when you are young it is much easier to start all over again rather than waiting until â€Å"the time is right. Maybe that time would be twenty or thirty years from your first heartbreak. Then it will be like you are forced to settle for the first person that comes back into your life. On top of meeting someone new during middle age, you would have to catch up and learn more and more about a person which you should have experienced together. When you grow with a person you are able to see the whole process. You are there t o encourage him/her to do right. You can help the person grow while they are doing the same for you. If you both stick around through the toughest times then that is real love. If you leave and they do the most to get you back it is love. Being shown that they will not let you go no matter what should be enough to show you how genuine ones love is for you. You do not have the time to experience and find these things out when you are thirty-five because the time is limited. If you are able to figure those things out as an adult then you are truly blessed. Parents should be more open minded towards their children teenage love because one day they could be introducing him/her as their son-in-law or daughter-in-law.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Journal of Korean Melodrama Christmas in August (1998) Movie Review

Journal of Korean Melodrama Christmas in August (1998) - Movie Review Example Jung decides and tries his best not to get into a relationship with her but eventually they form one. The film tends to have a weak plot but there is a strong in-depth look at both the characters that the audience can implicitly feel. The audience see and feel how Jung experiences the illness and how he deals with the people during the last days of his life. There is a silence among the members of his family because they are the only ones aware of it. Jung also holds back his emotions when he is with his friends and that is a painful moment. The relationship with Da-rim and Jung is the central focus of this story. Da-rim affects him deeply and how he responds to her is a beautiful feeling in the film. People often take others for granted but Jung’s character gives an emotional sensation to the audience on how painful it is when you know you don’t have time. In addition, the interesting thing about this film is that there are not many dialogues throughout the film. This is a strong point but it may as well start seeming to be a negative point as it drags the movie in some scenes. But this technique works for the emotional audience as the awkward and meaningful silences bring out the feel between the characters even in scenes when Jung is working alone and there is silence which expresses his isolation, pain, and loneliness. There is another major element in this film which is the subtleness. The audience get a sense that Jung and Da-rim have fallen in love but the film doesn’t really show a formal acceptance or declaration of their love. Jung would never talk about his illness but it is evident how it is affecting his relationship. The film does not even disclose the actual illness that Jung is going through and thus the movie is subtly explained through the actions and expressions of the characters that have done a great job on screen. This fact may leave the film open to several interpretations; it would also make this film thought